The Hutmacher App


Bringing the Hutmacher to Life

The video portion of the app is what really brings the Hutmacher site to life. We interviewed family members, experts in their field and preservationists. What all of these people have in common is a passion for what they are talking about and are genuinely interesting in preserving this piece of cultural heritage and sharing it with others.

In the videos, we believe we captured this passion. The video brings the viewer along to show them what the speaker is talking about. It is like having your own personal tour guide.

Example - Restoration of the Site Begins


The Burian family purchased the Hutmacher site and donated it to the Dunn Co. Historical Society.

The county historical society did not have the resources to maintain the buildings so the property was returned to the Burian family.

This segment of the Hutmacher story covers how Preservation North Dakota got involved in restoring the site.

Bringing the Hutmacher to Life